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Showing posts from June, 2016

5 Movies To Watch On Father's Day

Since my dad isn't much of a festive fellow, I've decided to whip up a short list of films about fathers, both good and bad in honor of Father's Day. Just in case your dad isn't into celebrating and going out for dinner, you can have a list of films to stay in and watch. Eraserhead (Dir: David Lynch) From the mind of my filmmaker father David Lynch, his first feature length film is set in a industrial glum city in which our main character Henry Spencer learns he is a father, and undergoes deep hallucinations which play around Spencer's head while caring for a mostly deformed child. Now, majority of the time we don't know what David Lynch's films are about. It's said that this film was based around Lynch's thoughts on fatherhood. The fear of parenting, which brings great dread to me on just the thought alone. But, Lynch is also known to make his films open to interpretations depending on the viewer, so you can never really pin point w

7 TV Intros With Cool Songs

How often do you encounter a TV show with an intro song that makes you look it up on Spotify immediately. Or maybe a powerful intro that makes you feel like you're soul belongs to that show? Sure, the intro to Game of Thrones is good, but after 6 seasons, it pretty much got overdone. (Yes, I skip the intro, fight me.) 7. You're The Worst Song:    7:30am by Slothrust Season: One and Two Where can I watch this? This is an FX Show, so obviously FXNow, or catch the first season on HuluPlus. This show is magnificent in it's depiction of modern day "dating". The characters are enchanting and relatable in the most despicable way. It will make you feel things you don't want to feel, but still make you laugh tremendously in the process. And that Freaks and Geeks intro vibe? SWEET. 6. The Sopranos Song:   Woke Up This Morning by Alabama 3 Season: One through six Where can I watch this?  HBOGo, HBONow This is the song you sh