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Showing posts from November, 2014

Movie Talk: Gone Girl

Gone Girl "What are you thinking about, Amy?" I saw this movie back in the beginning of October, and I must admit that I am not over it. This has got to be the movie that changed my perspective towards a lot of things in 2014. First of all - How amazingly brilliant yet totally psychotic was this girl? There was a lot of conflict towards this character. Saying she "ruined feminism." In my opinion, she stepped it up. Why was it so wrong that she succeeded in her plan? If it had been a man, they would applaud him. She was just too damn smart for everyone, and it made them angry. I loved it nonetheless. I'm not justifying her actions, but she's seriously a master mind at revenge and ruining lives. Also, the whole knowing your significant other goes a long way. Just goes to show that we never truly know even the closest to us. David Fincher, you deserve it all for this genuine masterpiece.