Cool For The Summer - Demi Lovato Boy does this song bring me major, major, nostalgia of my time in Europe. At the time, I believe Season 9 of RPDR was on, and Shea Coulee had to LS4YL to this song. I was pretty entranced by the beat, quite familiar with the lyrics as well. This song got me through that bus ride to "Eastern Europe" (its actually central, as most Eastern countries are predominantly Slavic, for the ultimate eastern feel.) We had just left Italy, and were on our way to Austria. However, during our time in Italy, we had a Vatican City tour in Rome. Prior to arriving, our trip leader had a fun confession game, which had us all write down 3 confessions that he would say out-loud to the entire group. I consider myself a horrible liar. This is why I have always preferred living truthfully and honestly. I couldn't lie on that piece of paper, not even to save my already burned and charred reputation of the fucking weirdo of the trip. I wrote them down as I felt,
Why my opinions matter to you is beyond me.